Obstetric Emergencies Course

Time 0830-1630 Suitable for Anaesthesia trainees BTY1 & above, Obstetric trainees, Anaesthesia consultants, Obstetric consultants, Anaesthesia nurses, Anaesthesia technicians, Recovery staff, Midwives Location HNE Simulation Centre, John Hunter Hospital Aim To rehearse the management of obstetric crisis Content This inter-professional team-training course provides an update on current management of everyday obstetric emergencies with an additional focus on the principles of Crisis Resource Management (CRM). Obstetric emergencies require effective teamwork to ensure best possible outcomes. This course promotes a team-based approach and all who are listed as suitable, are encouraged to attend. It is also suitable for the ‘occasional’ obstetric anaesthetist looking to refresh their skills, as well as trainees preparing for fellowship exams. ANAZCA CPD category 2 (knowledge & skills – participation in a course). 2 credits per hour Contact T: (02) 4921 4268 E: [email protected]


John Hunter Hospital, Lookout Rd, New Lambton Heig




Simulation and Skills Training

Organised by



Samantha Buckman T: 49214268 E: [email protected]

Date 11 Dec
Time 12 AM - 12 AM