Introductory Epidural Analgesia Half-day Course

Time 0830-1300 Suitable for Pre-vocational doctors interested in a career in anaesthesia (RMOs & SRMOs), Junior anaesthetic registrars, GP anaesthetic registrars, Fellows in pain medicine (non-anaesthesia background) Aim The course is designed to provide junior doctors with an interest in anaesthesia, or who are about to commence in a registrar role, the knowledge and skills to safely administer labour epidurals for analgesia Outline This half day hands on course will cover preparation for, insertion of, and troubleshooting of labour epidural analgesia. This is a core skill for all anaesthetists, and can be the source of some difficulty at the beginning of training, as availability of learning opportunities can be unpredictable Content Indications/contraindications, Issues of consent, Setting up your equipment, Epidural insertion and establishment of block, Combined Spinal Epidural, Troubleshooting, Complications Contact T: (02) 4921 4268 E: [email protected]


John Hunter Hospital, Lookout Rd, New Lambton Heig




Simulation and Skills Training

Organised by



Samantha Buckman T: 49214268 E: [email protected]

Date 15 Nov
Time 12 AM - 12 AM