Thoracic Anaesthesia Refresher Half-Day Course

Time 1300-1700 Suitable for Anaesthesia trainees BTY1 and above, Anaesthesia consultants, Anaesthesia nurses, Anaesthesia technicians Aim To provide: - an introduction to thoracic anaesthesia for trainees - a refresher in thoracic anaesthesia for consultants & nursing staff Modules Content This half day workshop is designed for the generalist anaesthetist who occasionally encounters thoracic anaesthesia, particularly in the after-hours or urgent setting. Topics include lung isolation (with specific emphasis on choosing the best device); lung protective strategies; managing hypoxia on one lung; analgesic strategies; DLT placement, (including in the difficult airway, and on the right side); bronchoscopy training; and bronchial blocker use. ANZCA CPD category 2 (knowledge & skills – participation in a course), Credits: 2 credits per hour. Certificate will be provided. Contact T: (02) 4921 4268 E: [email protected]


John Hunter Hospital, Lookout Rd, New Lambton Heig




Simulation and Skills Training

Organised by



Samantha Buckman T: 49214268 E: [email protected]

Date 21 Aug
Time 12 AM - 12 AM