Leading Out of Drama is a course created by Nate Regier & the team at Next Element. This course explores our roles in Drama (in Dr Stephen Karpman's drama triangle) & looks at how we can utilise the energy towards a positive outcome for all. The aim is to handle Conflict with "Compassionate Accountability". There is a pre-course, short (10 min), questionnaire. This will generate your personalised Drama Resilience Assessment Report. This is a context-specific report of how you behave in a given situation. There are pre-, post- & delayed-post course surveys (2 mins) to answer, that track the impact of the skills. You will receive a record of the group outcomes. You will develop tools which will, with practice, enable you to examine & alter your behaviour; how you respond to others. The skills learned have huge implications for work, home & in teams. ANZCA: 2 CPD pts/hr under “Knowledge & Skills”; 10 pts - wellbeing CPD Cost (inc gst): AUD 880 To register, email: [email protected] FANZCA
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The Mayfair Hotel Adelaide
Welfare of Anaesthetists
Elizabeth Chye T: 0403028331 E: [email protected]
An engaging three-day event you won't want to miss.