Emergency Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC)

EMAC addresses clinical and non-clinical skills relevant to the effective management of anaesthetic emergencies. Specific Objectives • Understand medical error and adverse events. • Undertake risk assessment, exercise judgement and formulate plans, which optimise patient safety. • Respond rapidly in an emergency and apply systematic principles of emergency management. • Develop competency in procedures including: direct and indirect intubation techniques; emergency surgical airway; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; cardioversion. • Work effectively within a team and as a team leader. Format The course is presented as five modules over 2.5 days: 1. Human factors 2. Airway emergencies 3. Cardiovascular emergencies 4. Anaesthesia emergencies 5. Trauma Training Methods • Procedural skills training • Integrated procedural skills training (Clinical) • Problem-based learning • Pause and discuss scenarios • Immersive Scenarios & reflective debriefing http://www.scssc.edu.au


Level 6 Kolling Building
St Leonards




Simulation and Skills Training

Organised by



Ben O'Brien T: 0294664620 E: [email protected]

Date 05 Dec - 07 Dec
Time 12 AM - 12 AM