SA/NT Research Trainee Day

From Curiosity to Conclusion: An Anaesthetic Trainee's Research Journey As an anaesthetic trainee, your days are filled with the demands of clinical practice - juggling patient care, studying, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. In the midst of this whirlwind, it can be easy to deprioritise research. However, the inaugural SA/NT Research Day for Trainees aims to change that narrative. This event will introduce you to the passionate researchers within SAs anaesthesia community. Through their insights, you'll discover the myriad avenues available to pursue your own research journey - from clinical studies to innovative projects. Most importantly, you'll come to understand the vital role that research plays in shaping every clinical decision we make. Open to PFY, trainees and critical-care RMOs. Endorsed by the Clinical Trials Network, ASA, ANZCA Foundation, and the Emerging Investigators Subcommittee.


The Lion Hotel
North Adelaide




Organised by


Dr Amy Chapman Email: [email protected] Tel: 0431 519 465

Date 30 Nov
Time 8 AM - 5 PM