Safe Procedural Sedation Course Cost: $970 Target Audience Medical officers, dentists, and registered nurses providing conscious sedation in environments outside of the operating room including endoscopy, dental, cosmetic and radiological procedures. Course Description The Safe Procedural Sedation Course incorporates e-learning, interactive workshops and immersive simulation activities for a one day hands-on program exploring conscious sedation outside of the operating theatre. The course content reflects the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Minimum Standards for Safe Procedural Sedation and the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) PG09(G) Guideline on Procedural Sedation 2023. It includes: • Pre-procedure patient assessment & risk stratification • Monitoring and practical airway management • Safe use of drugs and assessing levels of sedation • Post procedure monitoring and discharge ALS Pre-requisite Maximum 12 participants per course
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10 Westbourne Street St Leonards
Simulation and Skills Training
Ben O'Brien T: 0294664620 E: [email protected]
An engaging three-day event you won't want to miss.