Emergency Management of Anaesthetic Crises

Cost: $3420 Target Audience Anaesthetists (Specialist, GP and non-specialist) & anaesthetic registrars. Prerequisites Must be in at least second year of accredited training in Anaesthetics. Completion of primary exam (if ANZCA trainee) Aims EMAC addresses clinical and non-clinical skills relevant to the effective management of anaesthetic emergencies. Specific Objectives Understand medical error and adverse events. Undertake risk assessment, exercise judgement and formulate plans, which optimise patient    safety. Respond rapidly in an emergency and apply systematic principles of emergency management. Develop competency in procedures including: direct and indirect intubation techniques; emergency surgical airway; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; cardioversion. Work effectively within a team and as a team leader. EMAC is presented as five modules Human factors Airway emergencies Cardiovascular emergencies Anaesthesia emergencies Trauma Max. 12 participants


10 Westbourne Street
St Leonards




Simulation and Skills Training

Organised by



Ben O'Brien T: 0294664620 E: [email protected]

Date 20 Feb - 22 Feb
Time 12 AM - 12 AM