EMAC provides training in the management of anaesthetic emergencies. It consists of five modules run over two and a half days covering the following topics: • human factors • airway management • cardiovascular emergencies • anaesthetic emergencies • trauma management The course is a requirement of the ANZCA training program and may be undertaken at any time after the completion of introductory training. Due to the focus on crisis management, trainees who have completed at least 12 - 18 months of anaesthesia training are most likely to benefit from participation in the course. It is strongly recommended that trainees attend the EMAC course prior to commencing provisional fellowship training. ANZCA trainees should note, however, that they will not be provided with opportunities to complete workplace-based assessments during the course
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Royal Brisbane & Womens Hospital, Block 6, Level 4 Brisbane
Simulation and Skills Training
Sofia Coco T: 0736466500 E: [email protected]
An engaging three-day event you won't want to miss.