Royal Perth Hospital CICO Instructor Course

This is a course on how to teach techniques in the RPH CICO Rescue Approach developed by Dr Andy Heard. There is a morning of in-depth training in teaching of Techniques for CICO management, lectures on setting up a CICO course and approaches to skills based teaching, and formal practical and written assessment stations. The course gives participants the credentials to teach the techniques presented in line with current ANZCA CPD recommendations. Full accreditation requires completion of pre-course online assessment, attendance at the CICO Course, and passing in course written & practical examinations. CICO Wet Lab-Day 2 (optional) CICO Course participants are invited to attend our CICO Wet Lab, on March 11th (0800-1230), to complete hands on training in all the RPH CICO techniques in a realistic theatre setting, held in RPH Wet Lab Cost CICO Instructor Course Only $1500 CICO Instructor Course and Wet Lab $3000 Enquiries to [email protected] Ph: (08) 9224 1037


Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Perth Hospital




Airway Management

Organised by



Patrick Eakins T: 0415394549 E: [email protected]

Date 10 Mar - 11 Mar
Time 12 AM - 12 AM