Focused Cardiac Ultrasound for Anaesthesia

Suitable for: Anaesthesia trainees and consultants, and Critical Care SRMOs. The course is designed for those with no prior echocardiogram experience or not confident to use echocardiogram in their clinical practice Prerequisites: NIL Location: HNE Simulation Centre, John Hunter Hospital Campus. Aim To teach a systematic approach towards focused echocardiography for anaesthetists to use when assessing a critically unstable patient. Content This is a full day hands on course that will help you develop skills in focused echocardiography. The course uses a combination of pre-course learning including lecture videos, course handbook, cognitive aids and course day comprising lecturettes and hands on experience with both volunteers and a simulator with TTE pathology. The content is based on the British Echo Society ‘Level 1’ Curriculum. For more information, please contact the HNE Simulation Centre.


John Hunter Hospital, Lookout Rd, Newcastle
New Lambton




Simulation and Skills Training

Organised by



Samantha Buckman T: 0249214268 E: [email protected]

Date 10 Jun
Time 12 AM - 12 AM